The door is one which Blue hand-crafted in the Dutch style and then added layering with inlaid designs. We bought the door knob without it having a key, at the time not knowing how we would be able to use it, or if we could ever find a match, but knowing it was meant for the Vardo. As soon as we returned home and pulled out our gathering of old keys we found not one, but three, that turned the lock. Serendipity! The sunflower on its outside is actually an iridology photo of my eye, tucked behind a de-consecrated Catholic holy water fount. Throughout the designs of the Vardo there are hints and nods to the many different cultural cumulatives of the travelers. Combining the Catholic influences with the Middle Eastern amulet against the evil eye is just one subtle show.

Inside the Vardo looking out gives a different perspective. The sun often gifts us with this kind of show.